
1977 - Nato a Toronto, Canada

2002 - M.A. in Architettura, Waseda University, Tokyo

Fondazione "Nendo", ufficio Tokyo

2005 - Fondazione "Nendo", ufficio Milano

2006 - "The 100 Most Respected Japanese" (Newsweek magazine)

2007 - "The Top 100 Small Japanese Companies" (Newsweek magazine)

2010 - Membro della giuria iF award

2011 - "Famous for 15 Years: The Wallpaper* 150" (Wallpaper* magazine)

2012 - Fondazione "Nendo" ,ufficio


"Designer of the Year" (Wallpaper* magazine)"Designer of the Year" (Elle Deco International Design Award)

2013 - “Guest of honor” (Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair)